Tuesday 16 March 2010

My finished Music Magazine Contents Page

This is my finished contents page for my music magazine. I have used bright vibrant colours for the background of the page which links to the target audience for my magazine - teenage girls. I feel that the bright vibrant colours will help attract the consumers gaze because the page will stand out from any other contents page. I have also split the page into 3 sections which are each clearly represented by the use of different colours.

By doing this, it enables the overall look of the page to be organised and also breaks up the text and pictures, making it easily legable for the reader. I have also split the features on the contents page into 5 sub-headings. These consist of: Gossip, Real Life, Music, Posters and Plus. This makes the page look neat and organised and also allows the reader to find certain features more easily by looking under the appropriate sub-headings.

I have also included 1 large main image and 5 smaller images on the page. These pictures help seperate the text and makes the page look more aesthetically pleasing. I have also made sure that the images overlap each other and also overlap the different sections of the page. Also, rotating some of the pictures stops the boring verticle and horizontal lines and makes the page look more effective. I really like the final outcome of my contents page. If i was to change anything it would be to tagg more 'page numbers' to the pictures.

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