Wednesday 24 March 2010

Magazine - double page spread

This is a double page spread article which I found in a 'Bliss' magazine. I really like how there is a large main image of the artist which takes up one of the A4 pages. By doing this, it shows her domination of the article and shows that she is the main focus. The double page looks neat and organised as the photos are seperated from the text in neat boxes and the text is split up by questions which are in different colours to the answers. This makes everything clear and easy to read.

1 comment:

  1. I see so many students in a day my old brain gets fuddled Katie, but i think you are one of the students who is finding it difficult to upload your double page spread onto your blog. Fair enough. We can tackle that this week. However, do you think your research into the double page spread could be more developed and anlytical. you are usually very good at using the proper media language. Also, you MUST post your original photos that you used in the article. I think most of the others are already there. Please remember to post your presentation and your accompanying notes. these MUST contain an element of audience feedback.
    Good luck. Excellent work so far.
