Friday 30 October 2009

Preliminary Task - Provisional Submission

Audience: Who is your primary audience?
My primary audience is specifically directed at Sheldon Sixth Form students only, from ages 16-18. I chose this specific target audience because as I am in Sixth Form myself I feel I know what my age group would want and what interests/motivates them.

What does your student magazine offer as its main 2/3 uses?
The first use of my magazine will be to advise students on the best ways to revise for up and coming exams. The second use of my magazine will be to help and guide students on how to decide what to do after they have finished Sixth Form – going to University, getting a job or an apprenticeship. And lastly to give hints and tips on how to relax after the exams have finished – local gigs, sports facilities and other types of entertainment.

Image: What will your subject be?
The main image on the front cover will be a medium close up shot of a student (probably female) wearing non-school uniform, looking straight into the camera either sitting at a computer or adopting a ‘casual pose’. I want the image to be as casual and as laid back as possible in order to create a magazine cover which attracts all types of students with a diverse range of interests. Also the background must be something plain so that when coming to writing the sell lines and the title on the cover it will be clear to read.

Text: Your front cover must contain ‘appropriately laid-out text and a masthead’. What will this consist of?

Title: After many possible titles I decided to go with something simple and not too complicated so that its easy to recognise and easy to remember. The name of my magazine is going to be called ‘SHELDENT’. This word contains both the words ‘Sheldon’ and ‘student’ that I thought was very appropriate for my student magazine. The title will be situated at the top of the cover, directly in the centre, covering the whole of the top most section of the cover. I have also decided that each letter ‘Sheldent’ will be in a different font, to make it stand out, but to also be in the same colour in order to keep the word ‘together’ and to make it easily legible from the other information on the cover.

Sell Lines: Mainly focusing on revision techniques, hints about what to do after Sixth Form has finished and also gigs and other entertainment advertised in the local area. Also I thought it would be a good idea if there were games and competitions which the students could take part in.

Interior Features: What features will you include? My interior features will mostly include the things advertised on the front cover of the magazine and also other useful things like how to apply to University, what career is best suited for you, writing your personal statement, earning money and learning to drive.

1 comment:

  1. A little bit behind Katie, but overall I'm pleased with your levels of effort and the standard of your work overall. It's good to see a student who smiles about their work!
