Monday, 10 May 2010
Media Studies Foundation Portfolio – Final Evaluation
I am going to talk about
Forms and conventions
Institutions and potential distribution
My preliminary production task was to create a student magazine front cover using DTP, featuring a photo of a student in medium close up.
I did some rough sketches of my ideas for my student magazine front cover. After choosing my design template, I then took a variety of photos and then picked the best two. From there I then analysed both photos and picked the one which was the most suited to my front cover, considering the ‘mise en scene’, lighting, positioning of model and space.
After picking my chosen photo I then made changes to it and developed it to make my final Student Magazine front cover. I edited the photo using Photoshop, changing the contrast and lighting. I also adjusted the size of the image to 21cm by 29.7cm (A4).
I then added a title ‘Sheldent’ situated at the top of the page. I also added sell-lines, a barcode, the Sheldon logo and two other smaller images to complete my finished product.
• Audience Feedback – I received a few positive comments and some criticism. Couldn't see the relevance to the smaller images on the page
• Photo was a bit too dark
• The font of the sell-lines was quite difficult to read
Other comments
• Good use of colours (bright/vibrant)
• Nice photo of student
• Liked the positioning/angles of the sell-lines
• Good use of varied fonts in the title – positive aesthetics
After completing my Preliminary task, I then moved onto researching information for my music magazine front cover. I went online and looked up professional, existing music magazine front covers, ranging from ‘NME’ to ‘Smash Hits’
Pitch of Ideas – I wanted the genre of my magazine to be focused specifically on ‘pop music’ (music that is currently in the charts). I chose to direct my target audience mainly towards teenage girls who are interested in music which is in the charts. For the brand identity of my magazine I used bright, vibrant colours and big/bold fonts which will make my magazine stand out.
I chose to base the layout of my magazine similar to the existing magazine ‘Smash Hits’. Smash Hits and my music magazine have similar target audiences (teenage girls).
After thorough research, I took many photos. I tried to vary each of the photos I took by adding musical instruments, changing the model, adding props, changing the models poses and expressions. From all of the photos I took, I then narrowed it down to one.
My chosen image – I chose this photo because I like the pose the model is in – her body facing away from the camera but her gaze is focused forwards. There is enough space for the sell-lines, title and other text to go without overlapping too much of the main image. The photo isn’t too dark and I also like the use of the guitar in the photo as I feel it adds to the genre of my magazine.
Front Cover Process 1 – I edited the photo using Photoshop. I increased the contrast of the image and by using the ‘magnetic lasso tool, I desaturated the image of Emily but left the background in colour. I altered the background making it more colourful by using the ‘curves tool’ on Photoshop which I think looks effective.
Front Cover Process 2 – After Photoshopping the photo, I then went onto adding sell-lines,a masthead, a barcode and other smaller images. The main image of Emily bleeds to the very edges of the page.
Forms and Conventions 1 –
My photo of ‘Emily Mcilwain’ is situated to the right hand side and bleeds to the edges of the page.
I photoshopped the image by using the ‘lasso tool’ on Photoshop around the figure of Emily. I then changed the background by using the ‘curves feature’ which adjusts the RGB (the colour).
I also desaturated the image of Emily (black & white), which makes her stand out from the rest of the bright vibrant colours on the page connoting her importance.
Forms and Conventions 2 –
I have used bright vibrant colours which reflect my target audience (teenage girls) and will help to attract their gaze.
I have positioned the smaller images on the page at different angles to try and avoid the ‘vertical/horizontal’ lines on the page.
Use of coloured bubble – helps break up the sell-lines from each other - effective
The text on the page is also brightly coloured to match the colour scheme on the rest of the page.
Main words – use of different colours to make them stand out from the rest of the text
Barcode – gives the whole page a professional approach
Audience feedback –
• Too over-crowded
• Title doesn't stand out from the rest of the text on the front page
• Good use of bright/vibrant colours
• Nice main image photo
• Effective use of colours in the main image (image of Emily Mcilwain in black & white - background in colour.
My next task was to do a contents page for my music magazine. I researched existing music magazine contents page for inspiration.
• I used both these contents pages as a guide for my own contents page
• They are both directed to a similar target audience (teenage girls)
• Neat/organised layout of page
Forms and conventions for my contents page
· Title & editors comment situated in the left hand column.
· Bright, bold colours used for the background – makes the page stand out. Connotes a happy representation of the magazine.
· Smaller images – tilted at different angles – overlapping the different sections
· Large main image – main focus on contents page.
· Page is split up into 3 sections – makes it easier to read/follow.
· Bottom sections of page contain information about the features inside the magazine.
· Some of the smaller images have the page number relevant to it by the side.
Audience feedback for my contents page (for my music magazine.)
• Title of magazine – doesn’t stand out from contents page
• Doesn’t include a smaller image of the front page
• Effective use of contrasting colours – making images and text stand out from the background
• Some of the images have relevant page numbers beside them – helpful/informative
After finishing my contents page, I then went onto doing my double page spread article for my music magazine. I did some research by looking at existing double page spreads to see what things I would have to include in mine. Both the articles from the existing magazines match my chosen target audience.
• IPC Media produces over 85 iconic media brands, with our print brands alone reaching almost two thirds of UK women and 44% of UK men – almost 27 million UK adults – while our online brands collectively reach 20 million users every month. I feel that this institution might distribute my media product because it features popular music which attracts many potential audiences.
Overall I feel that my Preliminary task and the music magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread article went well. I am happy with the overall outcome of my final product.
• I have learnt how to use new technologies such as the programme In-Design as I had to use it in order to produce my double page spread article.
• I have also become more familiar with the different tools on Photoshop for example. “Magnetic lasso tool” and the “curves tool”.
• I feel that my media skills have developed and progressed since I first did my Preliminary task up until the full product.
Media Studies Foundation Portfolio – Final Evaluation
I am going to talk about
Forms and conventions
Institutions and potential distribution
My preliminary production task was to create a student magazine front cover using DTP, featuring a photo of a student in medium close up.
I did some rough sketches of my ideas for my student magazine front cover. After choosing my design template, I then took a variety of photos and then picked the best two. From there I then analysed both photos and picked the one which was the most suited to my front cover, considering the ‘mise en scene’, lighting, positioning of model and space.
After picking my chosen photo I then made changes to it and developed it to make my final Student Magazine front cover. I edited the photo using Photoshop, changing the contrast and lighting. I also adjusted the size of the image to 21cm by 29.7cm (A4).
I then added a title ‘Sheldent’ situated at the top of the page. I also added sell-lines, a barcode, the Sheldon logo and two other smaller images to complete my finished product.
• Audience Feedback – I received a few positive comments and some criticism. Couldn't see the relevance to the smaller images on the page
• Photo was a bit too dark
• The font of the sell-lines was quite difficult to read
Other comments
• Good use of colours (bright/vibrant)
• Nice photo of student
• Liked the positioning/angles of the sell-lines
• Good use of varied fonts in the title – positive aesthetics
After completing my Preliminary task, I then moved onto researching information for my music magazine front cover. I went online and looked up professional, existing music magazine front covers, ranging from ‘NME’ to ‘Smash Hits’
Pitch of Ideas – I wanted the genre of my magazine to be focused specifically on ‘pop music’ (music that is currently in the charts). I chose to direct my target audience mainly towards teenage girls who are interested in music which is in the charts. For the brand identity of my magazine I used bright, vibrant colours and big/bold fonts which will make my magazine stand out.
I chose to base the layout of my magazine similar to the existing magazine ‘Smash Hits’. Smash Hits and my music magazine have similar target audiences (teenage girls).
After thorough research, I took many photos. I tried to vary each of the photos I took by adding musical instruments, changing the model, adding props, changing the models poses and expressions. From all of the photos I took, I then narrowed it down to one.
My chosen image – I chose this photo because I like the pose the model is in – her body facing away from the camera but her gaze is focused forwards. There is enough space for the sell-lines, title and other text to go without overlapping too much of the main image. The photo isn’t too dark and I also like the use of the guitar in the photo as I feel it adds to the genre of my magazine.
Front Cover Process 1 – I edited the photo using Photoshop. I increased the contrast of the image and by using the ‘magnetic lasso tool, I desaturated the image of Emily but left the background in colour. I altered the background making it more colourful by using the ‘curves tool’ on Photoshop which I think looks effective.
Front Cover Process 2 – After Photoshopping the photo, I then went onto adding sell-lines,a masthead, a barcode and other smaller images. The main image of Emily bleeds to the very edges of the page.
Forms and Conventions 1 –
My photo of ‘Emily Mcilwain’ is situated to the right hand side and bleeds to the edges of the page.
I photoshopped the image by using the ‘lasso tool’ on Photoshop around the figure of Emily. I then changed the background by using the ‘curves feature’ which adjusts the RGB (the colour).
I also desaturated the image of Emily (black & white), which makes her stand out from the rest of the bright vibrant colours on the page connoting her importance.
Forms and Conventions 2 –
I have used bright vibrant colours which reflect my target audience (teenage girls) and will help to attract their gaze.
I have positioned the smaller images on the page at different angles to try and avoid the ‘vertical/horizontal’ lines on the page.
Use of coloured bubble – helps break up the sell-lines from each other - effective
The text on the page is also brightly coloured to match the colour scheme on the rest of the page.
Main words – use of different colours to make them stand out from the rest of the text
Barcode – gives the whole page a professional approach
Audience feedback –
• Too over-crowded
• Title doesn't stand out from the rest of the text on the front page
• Good use of bright/vibrant colours
• Nice main image photo
• Effective use of colours in the main image (image of Emily Mcilwain in black & white - background in colour.
My next task was to do a contents page for my music magazine. I researched existing music magazine contents page for inspiration.
• I used both these contents pages as a guide for my own contents page
• They are both directed to a similar target audience (teenage girls)
• Neat/organised layout of page
Forms and conventions for my contents page
· Title & editors comment situated in the left hand column.
· Bright, bold colours used for the background – makes the page stand out. Connotes a happy representation of the magazine.
· Smaller images – tilted at different angles – overlapping the different sections
· Large main image – main focus on contents page.
· Page is split up into 3 sections – makes it easier to read/follow.
· Bottom sections of page contain information about the features inside the magazine.
· Some of the smaller images have the page number relevant to it by the side.
Audience feedback for my contents page (for my music magazine.)
• Title of magazine – doesn’t stand out from contents page
• Doesn’t include a smaller image of the front page
• Effective use of contrasting colours – making images and text stand out from the background
• Some of the images have relevant page numbers beside them – helpful/informative
After finishing my contents page, I then went onto doing my double page spread article for my music magazine. I did some research by looking at existing double page spreads to see what things I would have to include in mine. Both the articles from the existing magazines match my chosen target audience.
• IPC Media produces over 85 iconic media brands, with our print brands alone reaching almost two thirds of UK women and 44% of UK men – almost 27 million UK adults – while our online brands collectively reach 20 million users every month. I feel that this institution might distribute my media product because it features popular music which attracts many potential audiences.
Overall I feel that my Preliminary task and the music magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread article went well. I am happy with the overall outcome of my final product.
• I have learnt how to use new technologies such as the programme In-Design as I had to use it in order to produce my double page spread article.
• I have also become more familiar with the different tools on Photoshop for example. “Magnetic lasso tool” and the “curves tool”.
• I feel that my media skills have developed and progressed since I first did my Preliminary task up until the full product.
Friday, 7 May 2010

This is my completed double page spread article for my music magazine. I am pleased with the overall outcome as i feel it would attract my chosen target audience. I think the use of the colours purple and blue work well together and create a fun/relaxed look on the article overall. The photos i used are of good quality. I edited the photos using Photoshop. I increased the contrast and brightness of the photos to make them stand out clearly from the background. colours on the page.
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Magazine - double page spread 2.
I have chosen to aspire to this double page spread article as i feel it is of a similar target audience to my own music magazine. I like the layout of this double page spread. I like how the image of the artist dominates the left page of the article. This could represent her importance/authority. I also like the over-lapping of the title of the article over the main image and the other smaller images on the right hand page.
Magazine - double page spread
This is a double page spread article which I found in a 'Bliss' magazine. I really like how there is a large main image of the artist which takes up one of the A4 pages. By doing this, it shows her domination of the article and shows that she is the main focus. The double page looks neat and organised as the photos are seperated from the text in neat boxes and the text is split up by questions which are in different colours to the answers. This makes everything clear and easy to read.
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
My finished Music Magazine Contents Page

This is my finished contents page for my music magazine. I have used bright vibrant colours for the background of the page which links to the target audience for my magazine - teenage girls. I feel that the bright vibrant colours will help attract the consumers gaze because the page will stand out from any other contents page. I have also split the page into 3 sections which are each clearly represented by the use of different colours.
By doing this, it enables the overall look of the page to be organised and also breaks up the text and pictures, making it easily legable for the reader. I have also split the features on the contents page into 5 sub-headings. These consist of: Gossip, Real Life, Music, Posters and Plus. This makes the page look neat and organised and also allows the reader to find certain features more easily by looking under the appropriate sub-headings.
I have also included 1 large main image and 5 smaller images on the page. These pictures help seperate the text and makes the page look more aesthetically pleasing. I have also made sure that the images overlap each other and also overlap the different sections of the page. Also, rotating some of the pictures stops the boring verticle and horizontal lines and makes the page look more effective. I really like the final outcome of my contents page. If i was to change anything it would be to tagg more 'page numbers' to the pictures.
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